
Anti-aging/preventative medicine is the newest clinical medical specialty, the “optimum” of wellness and longevity, and employs extensive therapies and treatment in the preventative health care field far beyond just cholesterol testing and mammograms. A profound paradigm shift in the way the medical establishment views aging and age-related disease is now underway.

If you have had your cholesterol tested, taken a lipid-lowering drug, had a mammogram, or taken HRT with thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, melatonin, or DHEA, you have experienced anti-aging medicine. This form of medicine is based on the very early detection, prevention, and reversal of age-related disease. 90% of all adult illness is due to the degenerative processes of aging. This includes heart disease, most cancers, adult-onset diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, autoimmune disease, glaucoma, and Alzheimer's.

With early detection and appropriate intervention, most of these diseases can be prevented, cured, or have their downward course reversed.

Eight Tips to Help You Feel and Look Great

Avoid Obesity
Sleep Well
Eat Whole Foods
Take Appropriate Nutraceuticals
Exercise Often
Mental Brain Fitness
Avoid Smoking, Caffeine, Refined Sugars
Have Optimal Gut Health

Your Everyday



Hormone Therapy


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Functional Medicine

Knowledge Base
Christine Jacobson

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