Children’s Health

More effective than a spoonful of sugar, pediatric compounding is the art and science of preparing customized medications for children and young patients. In recent years, compounding has experienced resurgence, as many physicians are working with pharmacists to offer their patients the benefit of medicines tailored specifically for certain needs. Children are especially suited for custom compounded prescriptions, as commercially manufactured drug forms are often not the best solutions for kids. Working closely with a compounding pharmacist, your child’s pediatrician can prescribe respiratory disorders, oral thrush, diabetes, head lice, diaper rash, skin disorders, cold sores/fever blisters and more. Compounding can benefit patients in a variety of ways.

Flavored Medicine
The child who refuses to take his medicine because of the taste is a prime opportunity for considering Compounded medication. Dozens of flavors are available to compounding pharmacists, who can enhance the taste and color of a medication, while also ensuring that the flavor’s pH is compatible with the medication’s properties. Your child won’t mind taking medicine as much when it tastes like bubble gum or even chocolate.

Unique Dosage Forms
Many children have a very difficult time swallowing capsules or tablets, especially if they have to take more than one medication during the day. To solve this problem, your pediatrician and compounding pharmacist can develop and prepare medications in alternate dosage form your child won’t mind taking. These include lollipops, gummy bears, syrups, suspensions, freezer pops, lozenges, trans dermal gels and even pacifier dosages for infants – and all can be administered in any number of great flavors.

Strength Variations
Your child is unique. Children vary in size and weight. Some have allergies and varying drug tolerances. As a result, it’s often a challenge to find commercially available medications suitable for the individual needs of your child. A compounding pharmacist can be of help in formulating a medication which comes in the exact dose needed for a child of a certain age and size.

A caring pediatrician working closely with a compounding pharmacist can provide your child with the individualized, specialty pediatric care he or she deserves.

Ask your physician today about personalized compounded prescriptions for children.

Children are full of life, energy, and curiosity to try new things with a smile.

Bring a medicine bottle out of the cabinet, though, and those smiles may turn to tears. Kids just don’t like medicine. Sometimes there’s nothing fun about that: there’s nothing fun about being sick, and taking medicine just makes it worse.

While there’s no guarantee that taking will ever become an entirely pleasurable experience, there are some ways to help. One of the best involves contemporary pharmaceutical compounding.

Your Everyday



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Functional Medicine

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Christine Jacobson

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